@extends('layouts.master') @section('content')
Available Credit
@if($rowc1['CONTRACT_ID'] == "") {{ number_format($rowc['Total'],2) }} @endif @if($rowc1['CONTRACT_ID'] != "" && $rowc1['C411'] != "0006332001871") {{ "..." }} @php $callEsfAjax= true; @endphp @endif @if($rowc1['CONTRACT_ID'] != "" && $rowc1['C411'] == "0006332001871" ) {{ "0.00" }} @endif
EFS Customer #: {{ $rowc1['C411'] }}
Active Fuel Cards
{{ $rowf['Total'] }}
Add Fuel Card
Total Diesel Gallons {{ number_format($rowg['Total'],0) }}
@if($rowga['Total']) {{ number_format($rowga['Total'],0) }} @else {{ "0.00" }} @endif
MTD Gallons
Rebates this Month
$ {{ number_format($rowa['Total'],2) }}
Previous Month: $ {{ number_format($rowaP['Total'],2) }}

MTD Rebates By Unit #

@if(!empty($data22)) @foreach($data22 as $rowss) @php if($rowss->UNIT != "") { $sql223 = "SELECT sum(`QTY`) AS TotalGallons,`PRODUCT_CODE` FROM FUEL_PROCESS WHERE MONTH(TRANS_DATE) = MONTH(NOW()) and SUBFLEET ='".getAuthMemberId()."' AND `PRODUCT_CODE` = 'ULSD' AND `LocationID` NOT IN(1,3) AND `UNIT` = '".$rowss->UNIT."'"; $rows2s = DB::select(DB::raw($sql223)); $rows2s = $rows2s[0]; } @endphp @php $rows2s->TotalGallons = 0; @endphp @endforeach() @else @endif
Unit # Driver Total Rebates Discount In Network Out of Network Gallons In Network
{{ $rowss->UNIT }} {{ strtoupper($rowss->DRIVER) }} $ {{ number_format($rowss->Total,2) }} $ {{ number_format(($rowss->Total/($rowss->TotalGallons+$rows2s->TotalGallons)),2) }} {{ number_format($rowss->TotalGallons,2) }} {{ $rows2s->TotalGallons }} {{ number_format(100 *($rowss->TotalGallons / ($rows2s->TotalGallons+$rowss->TotalGallons)),0) }} %
No Data Found

{{ (isset($_GET['month']) && !empty($_GET['month']) ? date("F", mktime(null, null, null, $previousMonth)) : 'Previous') }} Month Rebates By Unit #