@extends('layouts.master') @section('content')

My Wallet

{{ $bankDetail->account_name ?? '' }}
Balance : {{ !empty($bankDetail->balance) ? number_format($bankDetail->balance, 2) : '' }}
@if(!empty($bankDetail)) @endif
Add Your Bank
Click to Connect
Primary Card
@if (!empty($card_data)) {{ $card_data['card']['brand'] }} #{{ $card_data['card']['last4'] }} @endif
Add More Cards
$ {{ number_format($totalInvoices, 2) }}
View All

Credit Cards

Last 10 Invoices

View All
@forelse ($invoices as $invoice) @php $totalAmount = $invoice->amount; if (empty($totalAmount)) { $sql2 = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT SUM((DailyTrans.`Transaction Fee` + DailyTrans.Amount)) as total FROM DailyTrans LEFT JOIN `CARRIER_PROFILE` ON CARRIER_PROFILE.`SUBFLEET` =DailyTrans.`Sub Fleet` WHERE `Transaction Date` BETWEEN '" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($invoice->start_date)) . "' AND '" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($invoice->end_date)) . "' AND DailyTrans.`Sub Fleet`='" . getAuthMemberId() . "'")); $totalAmount = $sql2[0]->total; Invoice::where('id', $invoice->id)->update([ 'amount' => $totalAmount, ]); } $color = 'black'; if ($invoice->is_paid == 'N') { $color = 'red'; } if (!empty($invoice->total_paid_amount) && floatval($invoice->total_paid_amount) < $invoice->amount) { $color = 'blue'; } @endphp @empty @endforelse
@if (!empty($bankDetail))

Banking History

@forelse ($getPlaidBalHistory as $record) @empty @endforelse

Paypal Payments

If need to send payment via paypal please send to: payments@tmscloud.com

EFS Wire Instruction

Electronic Funds Source LLC (EFS) Payment Instructions – U.S. Customers
Instructions for Customer-Initiated Wires and ACH Payments

***Fifth Third Bank has two different routing numbers, please make sure to use the appropriate routing number depending on payment type (Wire vs. ACH). If the incorrect routing number is used, the payment will be rejected by the bank.

Wire Instructions:

Bank Name: Fifth Third Bank
Bank Address: 38 Fountain Square, Cincinnati, OH 45263
Account Name: WEX Bank
Account Address: 1104 Country Hills Drive, Ogden, Utah 84403
Account Number: 7361767473
Wire Routing Number: 042000314
Please make sure to include Company Number (AR #) and Invoice Number (if desired) in the payment remittance information (“OBI Fields”). We cannot apply your payment without this information. Please follow the example illustrated below:

OBI Line 1: AR # 0003913000075

OBI Line 2:

ACH Instructions:

Bank Name: Fifth Third Bank
Bank Address: 38 Fountain Square,Cincinnati, OH 45263
Account Name: WEX BANK
Account Address: 1104 Country Hills Drive, Ogden, Utah 84403
Account Number: 7361767473
ACH Routing Number: 064103833
To the extent available with your banking provider, please include Company Number AND Statement Number in the ACH payment remittance information

Payment via Western Union:

Quick Collect Instructions:
Code City: ELECFS UT
Company Name: WEX BANK
Make sure to include your EFS Customer Number (typically 13 digits)

TMS Cloud + Zelle for Payments

Zelle is our preferred payment option, as it offers a cost effective and secure way to receive payments. Please use the below company information to set up payments.

Email: payments@tmscloud.com
Phone: 909-321-9179

After setup is complete, within 5 days please send $1.00 to the account as a test so we can verify everything is working properly.

@endsection @section('script') @endsection