@extends('layouts.master') @section('style') @endsection @section('content')
Invoice #{{ $invNo }}
8939 South Sepulveda Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Billed Date:
{{ !empty($main_loop['bill_date']) ? date('m/d/Y', strtotime($main_loop['bill_date'])) : '' }}
Due Date:
{{ date('m/d/Y', strtotime('+1 day')) }}
Bill To:
{{ $row_loop->NAME }}
{{ $row_loop->BILL_TO }}
Email : {{ $row_loop->EMAIL }}
Policy #:
{{ $row_loop->SUBFLEET }}
Date Range:
{{ $AM_REP }}
@php $fptotalTransactionFee = 0; $fptotalQuantity = 0; $fptotalAmount = 0; $number = 0; $total_gal = 0; $totalFee = 0; $total_ach_grand = 0; @endphp @foreach ($num_rows as $row) @php $fptotalTransactionFee += $row->{'Transaction Fee'}; $fptotalQuantity += $row->{'Quantity'}; $fptotalAmount += $row->{'Amount'}; $name = $row->NAME; @endphp @php $total_ach_grand += number_format($row->{'TotalAmount'}, 2); $total_gal += $row->{'Quantity'}; $totalFee += $row->{'Transaction Fee'}; $number++; @endphp @endforeach
Trans Date Description Driver Unit Card Qty Retail Amount Fee Location Total Due
{{ date('m/d/y', strtotime($row->{'Transaction Date'})) }} {{ $row->{'Product Code'} }} {{ $row->{'Driver Name'} }} {{ $row->{'Unit'} }} {{ $row->{'Card Number'} }} {{ $row->{'Quantity'} }} $ {{ number_format($row->{'Retail_PPU'}, 2) }} $ {{ number_format($row->{'Amount'}, 2) }} $ {{ number_format($row->{'Transaction Fee'}, 2) }} {{ $row->{'Location Name'} . ' - ' . $row->{'Location City'} . ' - ' . $row->{'Location State/Province'} }} $ {{ number_format($row->{'TotalAmount'}, 2) }}
Total Qty:
{{ $total_gal }}
Total Amount:
$ {{ number_format($fptotalAmount, 2) }}
Total Fee:
$ {{ number_format($totalFee, 2) }}
Total Due
$ {{ $total_ach_grand }}

All invoices are due by 1PM PST on their due date. A 2% late fee will be applied per late payment. If payment is not received by next business day, the system will automatically turn off your fuel cards.

@if (!empty($cards))
@foreach ($cards as $key => $card)
@endforeach @if ($main_loop->is_paid == 'N')
@endif @else Add Card @endif
@if (!$paid_amounts->isEmpty()) @foreach ($paid_amounts as $paid_amount)
@endforeach @endif
@endsection() @section('script') @endsection