@extends('layouts.master') @section('style') @endsection @section('content')
{{ date('F') }} Rebates
$ {{ number_format($rowa['Total'], 2) }}
Rebates are paid on the week of the 19th of each month.
{{ date('F', strtotime('-1 month')) }} Rebates
$ {{ number_format($rowaP['Total'], 2) }}
YTD Rebates
$ {{ number_format($ytd_rebate['Total'], 2) }}
Lifetime Rebates
$ {{ number_format($lifetime_rebate['Total'], 2) }}

Rebate Report

Horizontal Layout
Date Time Card Unit Driver Location City State Item Retail QTY Amount Discount Rebate
Total : $ 0.00
@endsection() @section('script') {!! $dataTable->scripts() !!} @endsection()