@if ($load) @else @endif
{{ $load->client_name ?? '' }}
{{ $load->cAddress ?? '' }}
{{ $load->cCity ?? '' }}, {{ $load->cProvince ?? '' }} {{ $load->cPostalCode ?? '' }}
{{ $load->EMAIL_ADDRESS ?? '' }}
{{ $load->BUSINESS_PHONE ?? '' }}
No load found.
Driver's Name: {{ $load->NAME ?? '' }}
Driver's Cell: {{ $load->PHONE ?? '' }}
Truck Number: {{ $load->UNIT_ID ?? '' }}

Load Type Commodity Estimated Weight Value Temperature
{{ $load->load_type ?? '' }} {{ $load->comodity ?? '' }} {{ $load->weight ?? '' }} {{ $load->value ?? '' }} {{ $load->load_for_temp ?? '' }}



@if(!empty($load->Pickup_Notes)) @endif
{{$load->pickupaddress ?? '' }} {{ $load->ocity ?? ''}}, {{ $load->ostate ?? ''}} {{ $load->ozip ?? ''}} Pickup Date/Time: {{convertToMdyWithTime($load->pick_date)}}
Pickup Notes:{{$load->Pickup_Notes ?? '' }}

@endif @php $hasExtraPicks = false; @endphp @for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) @php $address = 's'.$i.'_address'; @endphp @if (!empty($load->$address)) @php $hasExtraPicks = true; @endphp @endif @endfor @if ($hasExtraPicks)

Extra Picks & Drops

@for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) @php $address = 's'.$i.'_address'; $city = 's'.$i.'_city'; $state = 's'.$i.'_state'; $zip = 's'.$i.'_zip'; //dd($tldtlData[$i]->$zip); $address1 = str_replace(", USA", "", $load->$address); @endphp @if (!empty($load->$address)) @if($tldtlData[$i]->SUPPRESS == 'PICK') @else @endif @if(!empty($tldtlData[$i]->EXTRA_NOTES)) @endif @endif @endfor
Extra Pick-Up {{ $i }}: {{ $address1 ?? '' }} {{ convertToMdyWithTime($tldtlData[$i]->EXTRA_DATE) }}Extra Drop-Up {{ $i }}: {{ $address1 ?? '' }} {{ convertToMdyWithTime($tldtlData[$i]->EXTRA_DATE) }}
{{ $tldtlData[$i]->EXTRA_NOTES ?? '' }}


@if(!empty($load->Deliver_Notes)) @endif
{{$load->deliveraddress ?? '' }} {{ $load->dcity ?? ''}}, {{ $load->dstate ?? ''}} {{ $load->dzip ?? ''}} Delivery Date/Time: {{convertToMdyWithTime($load->delivered_date)}}
Delivery Notes: {{$load->Deliver_Notes ?? '' }}

Linehaul Charges Miles Charges
LOAD #: {{$load->loadid ?? ''}} - {{ $load->pickupaddress ?? ''}} {{ $load->ocity ?? ''}} {{ $load->ostate ?? ''}} {{ $load->ozip ?? ''}} to {{ $load->deliveraddress ?? ''}} {{ $load->dcity ?? ''}} {{ $load->dstate ?? ''}} {{ $load->dzip ?? ''}} {{$total_miles ?? 0}} miles {{ number_format($load->load_rate,2) ?? 0}}
@if($load_extracharge->isNotEmpty()) @php $load_extra_charge_type = config('custom.load_extra_charge_type'); $totalExtraCharges = 0; @endphp @foreach($load_extracharge as $charge) @php $totalExtraCharges += $charge->amount; @endphp @endforeach
Extra Charges Rate Charges
{{ $load_extra_charge_type[$charge->type] }} {{ number_format($charge->amount, 2) }} {{ number_format($charge->amount, 2) }}
@endif @php $quickFee = $info->quick_fee ?? 0; // Fallback to 0 if not set $quickFeePercentage = $info->quick_fee_percentage ?? 0; // Fallback to 0 if not set $loadRate = $load->load_rate ?? 0; // Fallback to 0 if not set $totalExtraCharges = $totalExtraCharges ?? 0; // Fallback to 0 if not set $quickFeeValue = $quickFee === 1 ? ($quickFeePercentage / 100) * $loadRate : 0; // Calculate quick fee if applicable $totalCharges = $loadRate + $totalExtraCharges; // Calculate total charges @endphp
Totals $ {{ number_format($totalCharges, 2) }}
Line Haul Flat Rate: {{ number_format($load->load_rate + $totalExtraCharges, 2) }}

Terms and Conditions

This confirmation is subject to the terms of the Agreement and this document constitutes an amendment thereto. If the CARRIER has not signed the Agreement, then the rate shown above is the agreed individually negotiated rate and no other rate shall apply including any carrier tariff rate or terms.

THIS LOAD SHALL NOT BE DOUBLE BROKERED. No additional charges not listed above may be added by the CARRIER. Any additional charges must appear on a revised confirmation sheet signed by the BROKER. CARRIER must include signed copy of the shipper's bill of lading and any other proof of delivery with invoice to BROKER. Rates, except as specifically designated above, are inclusive of any fuel surcharge. CARRIER certifies that it is in compliance with all requirements of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) that are applicable to the scope of CARRlER’s operations, including, but not limited to: Statewide Truck and Bus Regulations, Transport Refrigeration Unit (TRU) Regulations, Tractor-Trailer Greenhouse (GHG) Gas Regulations, and Drayage Truck Regulations. CARRIER also warrants that it is in compliance with any comparable requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other states, where applicable. CARRIER shall be responsible for any fines imposed on BROKER and/or shipper resulting from noncompliance.

CARRIER hereby confirms that it maintains applicable and valid insurance without exclusions that would prevent coverage for the items listed above. CARRIER has at least $100,000.00 in cargo insurance and $1,000,000.00 in automobile liability coverage. CARRIER further confirms that in transporting the shipment described hereinabove, it will comply with all U.S. DOT and FDA regulations applicable to its operations while transporting said shipment, including, but not limited to drivers' hours of service, and the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), if applicable. CARRIER agrees to the attached requirements from the shipper, if any


By accepting this shipment, CARRIER agrees that it has obtained a written agreement from each driver transporting a shipment tendered by BROKER to CARRIER pursuant to the Agreement in which each driver provides all necessary consents to (i) receiving text messages and/or phone calls from or on behalf of BROKER and (ii) allowing BROKER or its vendor to track such driver’s location while transporting such shipment. CARRIER shall comply with all applicable laws relating to the collection, use, storage, retention, disclosure, and disposal of any information CARRIER provides to BROKER, including information regarding the drivers transporting shipments. CARRIER shall indemnify, defend, and hold BROKER and its affiliates harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, losses, actions and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising out of or in connection with CARRlER’s breach of this Section. This Section shall survive the expiration or termination of the Agreement between BROKER and CARRIER.